
ViewMate Gerber Viewer

  • Includes Smart DFM & ViewMate Responder
  • Full layer by layer design visibility
  • Quote and Order PCBs instantly!
For Free
ViewMate Deluxe

ViewMate Deluxe Gerber Editor

  • Includes Smart DFM & ViewMate Communicator
  • Edit and Save Gerber & Drill Data
  • Put Multiple Designs on a Panel
  • Import ODB++
starting at $195.00
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ViewMate Pro

ViewMate Pro Advanced CAM Processor

  • Includes Smart DFM & ViewMate Communicator
  • DXF -> Gerber -> DXF
  • Stencil Aperture Creation
  • Import ODB++
  • Many Advanced CAM Features Learn More
starting at $695.00
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Now you can use ViewMate to communicate with your customers using
"Live CAM Data"
Watch Video

People communication 03 Viewmate communicator screenshot
ViewMate Gerber Viewer ViewMate Deluxe ViewMate Pro
Smart DFM
Quote and Order Printed Circuit Boards
New ViewMate Communicator (Communicate over email using "Live CAM Data")
New ViewMate Responder (Respond to communications using "Live CAM Data")
Import Gerber, and rout (Excellon etc.), DPF, ODB++, HPGL
Import CAD and CAM aperture lists
Measure sizes and distances
Export Gerber, DPF, NC drill
Save jobs with all layer data in one file
Setup templates for easy loading of multiple layers
Add and remove elements, insert text, and chamfers
Rotate, mirrror, scale and swell
Panelize a job or several jobs
Convert negative layers to positive
Import IPC-356 netlist
Show all elements that are electrically connected
Layer to layer comparison
Sort drill holes to optimize path
Generate stencil apertures
Convert drawn pads to flashed
CAM tools (venting, filleting, remove unused pads, clip silkscreen, etc)
Calculate copper area
DXF File Converter

Manuals, Tutorials and Key Releases

Pentalogix User Guides, Release Notes and Documents


Quotation markI happened to know that Pentalogix is the best of the best for reading in difficult files. (That's why I asked this company to buy me ViewMate Deluxe when I started working here). Anyhow, your software made me look like a hero today. Thanks! A $95 program could read in a file that a $50,000 program could not. This software is a breeze to install and never crashes...

Jason Dresdow
Circuit Services WorldWide