PCBs Products & Services

How to reduce PCB Fabrication Costs

The goal of every engineer or product designer is to achieve the best possible result with the lowest possible cost. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design does not escape this universal law. This article discusses the best strategies to reduce the cost of producing PCBs without compromising board quality or functionality and illustrates these strategies with simulated examples using Pentalogix PCB fabrication services. PCB Size Printed circuit boards and real estate

Let PentaLogix help you with your PCB Design Project

We can help you with every step along the way to a great new product. Simply give us a call or send us an email. We are here to help. Phone number: (800) 208-1726 Email: support@pentalogix.com Engineering Fabrication Files Manufacturing Block Diagram Schematic PCB Layout Firmware Bill of Materials Gerber Data Drill Data Rout Data Centroid Data Panelization Firmware Files PCB Fab Electronic Assembly Testing Box Build Block Diagram When

Common Types Of PCB Malfunctions To Avoid When Prototyping

Printed circuit boards are essential for the electrical connection and mechanical support of electronic components, which is why it’s so important for any mistakes in the PCB to be found in the prototype circuit board. During manufacturing and the development of the prototype circuit board, malfunctions can be built into the board by mistake. Fortunately, because of the nature of PCBs, these malfunctions are easily repairable. However, to help prevent

Understanding Our Quick Turn PCB Assembly Services

By 2022, the global printed board circuit board market is expected to reach $72.6 billion. That means that if you work in an industry that relies on PCBs to operate, there’s bound to be a lot at stake and very little time to waste. That’s often where quick turn PCBs come in. By working with a PCB manufacturer that offers quick turnaround times for prototype PCBs, your business can avoid

Laser Direct Imaging for Prototype PCBs

When creating a prototype circuit board, the PCB layout is one of the most important aspects. The layout is exceptionally important considering if the smallest of things goes wrong, the entire board will be compromised and it will not function properly. One of the most important steps in the prototype PCB assembly process is the imaging process, which helps to create the circuit pattern. Laser direct imaging (LDI) can help


Printed circuit boards are typically in high demand due to the number of industries and businesses utilizing prototype PCBs and their assembly. Because of the time that goes into the creation of these circuit boards and the intricacy of their fabrication, it’s important for prototypes to be created prior to the final design and assembly. However, the creation and design of printed circuit boards can be tremendously challenging due to

PCB design service

The exciting world of printed circuit boards is growing fast. Our digital age has ushered in a whole new host of possibilities when it comes to technological innovations, and because of this experimental prototype printed circuit boards are thriving. In fact, the global printed circuit board market is projected to reach an estimated $72.6 billion market value by 2022. These new innovations cover virtually all aspects of circuit board technology,

PCB Manufacturing

The manufacturing of printed circuit boards, or PCBs, and circuit board prototyping is done through the process of testing the circuit boards via prototype and assembling the circuit boards for computer and electronic devices. Some PCBs are even used in the operation of traffic lights in the United States. However, while it can be a process to manufacture the right PCB to suit the electronic device in question, finding the

Blind and Buried Bias

It is no secret that in today’s world, our technology is getting smaller and smaller. This especially goes for prototype printed circuit boards, which are the backbone of many electronics on the market, from your cell phone to your television and everything in between. But in the world of PCB assembly, smaller prototype circuit boards are not always a good thing. Space is a rarity on the boards, as engineers

PCB Glossary

The printed circuit board is a wonder of conductive tracks, pads, and copper sheets that supports electronic components. However, because of the complexity of PCB design and manufacturing, it bodes well to routinely refresh oneself with the knowledge of PCB terminology and any new additional meanings the terms may have acquired over recent years. Therefore, listed below is a brief glossary of key PCB design and manufacturing terminology. Some of